
Group: DynoMotion Message: 10062 From: mattbsemail Date: 8/29/2014
Subject: Encoder hook up

I picked up 3 Quantum Devices encoders for my mill a long time ago. I sort of understand how to hook them up but not completely. JP1 is for A- A+ B- and B+. I think JP2 is for Z- and Z+ but what about the other 4 wires? Am I right so far or more lost than I imagined. I have a link to my encoder and it gives me a breakdown of the pinouts.http://www.quantumdev.com/pdf/qd110.pdf

So my question is where do the rest go if what I said above is correct? Common, +VDC, N/C, & Case. Is N/C not connected or normally closed? +VDC +voltage DC? Case ground? Communication?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 10063 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 8/29/2014
Subject: Re: Encoder hook up
Hi Matt,

Pin1 Common would go to Kanalog GND
Pin 2 +VDC would go to Kanalog +5V

Leave the other two unconnected. NC = No connection.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 10068 From: mattbsemail Date: 8/30/2014
Subject: Re: Encoder hook up
So if I'm looking at this correctly I'll be using JP8 13, 14, 15, & 16 for my +5V to hookup my pin 2. So 13 would be for my first encoder then 14 for my second and so on? Do I need to do anything special for +5V or is it already set? Is pin 1 common basically grounded to my computer case and can be hooked in anywhere or does it need to go on a terminal ground such as jp6 or jp11?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 10085 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 9/1/2014
Subject: Re: Encoder hook up
Hi Matt,

You can use JP8 +5V pins 13-16 for your encoders +5V requirement.  These pins are all connected together so it doesn't really matter which pins are used or what order they are used for your encoders.

Regarding Grounds:  Grounding is a very complex subject.  Something like your computer case would be an Earth GND and should not be used for the encoders.  Connect your Encoder's GND to any of the Kanalog GNDs on Kanalog JP6 pins 1-8.   Even though Earth GND and Kanalog DC GND are likely electrically connected together, for noise reasons they should be treated as separate things.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 10091 From: mattbsemail Date: 9/1/2014
Subject: Re: Encoder hook up
Thanks Tom I really appreciate all your help and patience. So after I get one hooked up can I basically just turn my encoder by hand and have a reading come out in K motion or is it more complex than that. How do I tell K motion which is which? Is that when C programming comes in?
Group: DynoMotion Message: 10100 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 9/2/2014
Subject: Re: Encoder hook up
Hi Matt,

To see the Position update when the encoder rotates a KFLOP Axis Channel must be configured as Input Mode Encoder, and the Input Channel number for that Axis must be configured for the Encoder Input channel that is wired to the encoder.  No C Programming is required.  Configure using the KMotion Config/Flash Screen.  Then push "Download".  The KMotion Axis Screen should then display the current Encoder Position.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 10106 From: mattbsemail Date: 9/2/2014
Subject: Re: Encoder hook up

Hey Tom I got it all wired up temporarily and it looks like this:

Encoder Side                Kanalog Side
Pin 1: Common ------------ JP6: Terminal 16
Pin 2: +VDC ---------------- JP8: Terminal 13
Pin 3: Z ---------------------- JP2: Terminal 1
Pin 4: Z' --------------------- JP2: Terminal 2
Pin 5: B ----------------- ----JP1: Terminal 3
Pin 6: B' -------------------- JP1: Terminal 4
Pin 7: A -------------------- JP1: Terminal 1
Pin 8: A' ------------------- JP1: Terminal 2

Can you please look it over for me and proof it before I proceed any further?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 10108 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 9/2/2014
Subject: Re: Encoder hook up [1 Attachment]
Hi Matt,

Looks correct to me.

It is usually a good idea to use twisted pair shielded cable with the shield connected to Kanalog GND on the Kanalog end of the cable to help shield the ABZ signals from noise and potentially having encoder miss counts.  But differential signals already have low noise susceptibility so you might be ok.  There is not much risk of damage without shielding only possible encoder miss counting.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 10109 From: mattbsemail Date: 9/2/2014
Subject: Re: Encoder hook up [1 Attachment]
Did everything u told me clicked Axis and I have position data :) Thanks Tom!